Is your school located in Washington State?
[[Yes->Washington Schools]]
[[No->Group Size]]Are you representing a school or youth-serving organization?
[[No->Group Size General Admission]]Your group does not qualify for the education rate. To book our general admission tickets please use the link below.
<a href="" target="_blank">Click here to register!</a>
[[Click here for assistance->Need Assistance?]]
[[Click here to start over.->Group type]]Your group does not qualify for the education rate. To book our general admission group rate tickets please use the link below.
<a href="" target="_blank">Click here to register!</a>
[[Click here for assistance->Need Assistance?]]
[[Click here to start over.->Group type]]Does your group include 20 or more visitors?
[[Yes->Paid Field Trip Admission]]
[[No->General Admission]]Does your group include 20 or more visitors?
[[Yes->Group Rate]]
[[No->General Admission]]Which option best describes your group? <br>
[[School Group->All Schools]]
[[Community group->Educational Trip]]
[[Out-of-School Program->Educational Trip]]
[[Homeschool or Homeschool Group->Homeschool Info]]
[[None of the above->Group Size General Admission]]Thank you for your interest in a homeschool visit. Please visit the page below to learn more about our homeschool resources and how to bring your homeschoolers to the zoo.
<a href=""_blank">Homeschool Resources</a>
[[Click here for assistance->Need Assistance?]]
[[Click here to start over.->Group type]]Is your free and reduced lunch rate above 30%?
[[Yes->School-to-Zoo LEVY]]
[[No->Group Size]]Is your organization located in Washington State, and is your program offered free of charge, or do you have a scholarship percentage of at least 30% (or similar financial assistance program)?
[[Yes->Washington Low Income]]
[[No->Group Size]]Please send an email to with your questions. We will get back to your email within 48 business hours.
[[Start Over?->Group type]]Your group qualifies for the field trip admisison rate!
<a href="" target="_blank">Click here to register!</a>
[[Click here for assistance->Need Assistance?]]
[[Click here to start over.->Group type]]Your group qualifes for the School-to-Zoo Levy program! Register your group using the link below. Please keep in mind that while the ticket cost will be reflected during your registration process you should not have a balance due at the time of registration unless you have more than 1 chaperone ticket for every 4 students.
<a href="" target="_blank">Click here to register!</a>
[[Click here for assistance->Need Assistance?]]
[[Click here to start over.->Group type]]Is your free and reduced lunch rate above 30%?
[[Yes->Washington Low Income]]
[[No->Group Size]][[''Click here to find out if your group qualifies for a field trip! ''->Group type]]Your group qualifes for the Washington Low Income ticket program! Register your group using the link below. Please keep in mind that while the ticket cost will be reflected during your registration process you should not have a balance due at the time of registration unless you have more than 1 chaperone ticket for every 4 students.
<a href="" target="_blank">Click here to register!</a>
[[Click here for assistance->Need Assistance?]]
[[Click here to start over.->Group type]]Is your school located in King County?
[[Yes->King County Schools]]
[[No->Schools Outside King County]]