When we respect each other’s needs, we can coexist with animals and each other

Coexist Badge

Protecting Pollinators in the Northwest

Our own human existence and community health can be measured in the flutter of a wing or the splash of a fin––here in the Northwest we pride ourselves in knowing that we are connected to nature even in the tiniest details. Your Woodland Park Zoo has been on a pollinator journey of our own, but we are not alone in the growing movement to protect and conserve habitat for pollinators across the Northwest. Read on to discover some of the most inspiring projects and meet the folks behind this community effort. 

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Living With Wildlife


Coexistence is Catching


When you make your commitment to coexistence known, your neighbors will catch on. Communities can spread this positive influence by making their choices more visible to others. In this section of the website, you’ll find ways to create habitat for wildlife you want to attract, and ways to create safe distance with wildlife you want to avoid.

Express your commitment to these values with the following free resources, or come up with your own way to share how #IAmLivingNorthwest.

Say It

Use this coexistence toolkit as inspiration to spread carnivore safety messaging to your friends and family

Display It

If the area around your home provides wildlife with food, shelter, water and space to raise young and survive: Apply for a Habitat at Home sign from Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

The Wild Podcast

'THE WILD' with Chris Morgan explores how nature survives and thrives alongside (and often despite) humans. Taking listeners across the Pacific Northwest and around the world, host Chris Morgan explores wildlife and the complex web of ecosystems they inhabit. He also tells the stories of people working in and protecting the wild around us.” This podcast is a production of KUOW in Seattle in partnership with Chris Morgan and Wildlife Media.

Wildlife Bridges

We’re not the only ones who need to commute! The I-90 Wildlife Bridges project has built overpasses and underpasses for native wildlife to safely cross into habitat that has been artificially bisected by the highway. Coyotes, elk, otters, hare, raccoons and more have been spotted making safe crossings!


My name is Christy and I am a steward of this park

“I think coexistence, particularly with carnivores, means sharing. This is the home of people and of wildlife as well. So coexisting means coming to an agreement about keeping the peace. A lot of people who live in this community right here think that it's very cool that we see wild animals. That's one of the reasons they're here. There are neighbors that don't feel quite as positive about it. And I think that's one of the values of this project is that we can take whatever feelings that they happen to be having, like fear, and turn it into something positive. People can appreciate being so close to wildlife instead of being afraid.”

Use #IAmLivingNorthwest to share your story of how you coexist with wildlife in the Northwest.

- Christy is an Issaquah community member and volunteer with the Coexisting with Carnivores project. She works with a team of volunteers to document nearby carnivores using remote cameras, and uses the real-world data to help educate neighbors about their wild neighbors and ways to safely coexist.


If you see a baby wild animal on its own, it’s natural to want to protect it. Each year, however, hundreds of animals are needlessly “saved” when in fact the animal’s parent was likely nearby. It’s best to leave wildlife alone, and refer to these tips from Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife when professional rescue and rehabilitation may be needed.

Be Carnivore Smart at Home


We can make simple commitments at home to avoid negative interactions with carnivores and keep people and animals safe. Try these tips to remove food temptations that may attract wildlife:

  • Store garbage indoors when possible and place bins outside on the morning of pick-up.
  • Feed pets inside and do not leave pet, livestock or chicken feed outside.
  • Hang bird feeders 10 feet off the ground and 10 feet away from supports. Limit feeding of birds to the winter when bears are less active.
  • Keep barbecue grills clean and inside if possible.
  • Enclose chicken coops with electric or chain link fencing to help keep them safe.
  • Pick up fallen fruit and put out compost on the day of pick up instead of the night before.
  • Enclose gardens with fencing when possible.
  • Walk dogs on-leash, and keep cats indoors, increasing the safety of both your pets and the wildlife living around you.

Habitat at Home


Habitat at Home

Creating habitat at home with sources of food, water, shelter and space for wildlife is great for animals—and for you too! According to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, “native plants are adapted to the natural rainfall in your area, and thus require less maintenance. Plants also help reduce storm runoff and can decrease the heat island effect on your home.”

Welcome, Pollinators!


It can be as simple as selecting native plants to attract local pollinators, or you might find yourself erecting a mason bee hotel. Whatever pollinator-friendly choices you make in your yard, window-box, or neighborhood green space, butterflies, bees and birds will thank you. Use our pollinator toolkit to learn how to select plants, create healthy soil, and start attracting pollinators to your home habitat.


Bee-ing Heard

Washington state has formed an official Pollinator Task Force, uniting conservationists, farmers, beekeepers, pesticide distributors, Tribes and public officials to guide state policy for pollinator health. The diverse Task Force, including staff from Woodland Park Zoo, is creating better communication and collaboration across sectors to shape pollinator protection here in the Northwest.

Make a Roost for Bats


Northwest bats are big on bugs, and attracting them to your area is a great way to encourage natural pest control while coexisting with native species. Provide habitat for bats in your own yard by leaving hollow trees and snags standing. To create a place for roosting, install a bat house. Bats Northwest has great information on how to purchase or build your own bat house.

Our Mission

Woodland Park Zoo saves wildlife and inspires everyone to make conservation a priority in their lives.

Land Acknowledgment

Woodland Park Zoo recognizes that these are the lands of the Tribal signatories of the Treaty of Point Elliott. We acknowledge their stewardship of this place continues to this day and that it is our responsibility to join them to restore the relationship with the living world around us.

5500 Phinney Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98103   |  206.548.2500  |   zooinfo@zoo.org

Association of Zoos & Aquariums
Seattle Parks & Recreation
Humane Certification