Investing in threatened species before it’s too late



Of the 62,000 species of vertebrate animals, scientists estimate that about 20% are at risk of extinction before the end of the century. This loss of species diversity is unprecedented and in almost all cases human caused. But humans can also be part of the solution.

The Wildlife Survival Fund provides grants to field projects and initiatives recommended by Woodland Park Zoo curators and the Association of Zoos & Aquariums Species Survival Programs. Projects awarded through the Wildlife Survival Fund represent animals in the zoo’s collection. 

Projects in the Americas



Northern Jaguar Project

Location: Sonora, Mexico, Supported Since: 2012

Preserve and recover the world’s northernmost population of the jaguar, its unique natural habitats, and native wildlife under its protection as a flagship, keystone and umbrella species. This project offers protection for jaguar populations across a region of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands where poaching and poisoning are immediate threats. The project develops long-term relationships with community members to promote coexistence with wildlife and engage youth as conservation ambassadors.



Chaco Center for Research and Conservation

Location: Paraguay, Project Since: 2018

Conservation management of the endangered endemic species as well as protection for Chacoan biodiversity. The program has obtained valuable data from camera traps; such as numerous tapirs and big groups of white-lipped peccaries, as a great diversity of small, medium, and large mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.

Projects in Eurasia



Hornbill Research Foundation

Location: Thailand, Project Since: 1997

Protecting hornbills and their habitats with a focus on focus on research, education, and collaboration. Efforts include monitoring nest cavities to improve reproductive success and increase the availability of suitable nesting sites; raising public awareness and participation in hornbill conservation and researching hornbill ecosystems to improve conservation strategies.



Talarak Foundation, Inc.

Location: Negros Occidental, Philippines, Project Since: 2024

Talarak started maintaining and breeding some of the most endangered species endemic to the region, before moving into reforestation, site conservation and wild translocations for these species. The primary goal of the foundation is to conserve and restore the native wildlife of Negros through captive breeding, conservation education, research, public and political engagement, and releases of captive bred animals back into their natural habitats.



Komodo Dragon Survival Program

Location: Indonesia, Project Since: 2018

To provide sound information on wildlife biology to help in devising management and conservation plans for the Komodo dragon and its natural habitat. Results from population studies using camera traps in Komodo National Park indicated that lizard population were stable across all island populations. Ungulate prey surveys also indicated a stable prey population on Komodo and Rinca. This information will be used to inform park management and provide useful ecotourism information to tourists.



Turtle Survival Alliance

Location: Cambodia, Project Since: 2005

Transforming a passion for turtles into conservation action. In 2021 the program successfully released 61 head-started southern river terrapin into their natural habitat of Sre Ambel River System in Southwest Cambodia. Acoustic transmitters were attached to all of the turtles so the research team can study their movement, dispersal, habitat utilization, and survival rate in the wild. For the first time in 20 years, at least five captive females produced clutches at the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center.



Partula Recovery and Reintroduction

Location: Society Islands, French Polynesia, Project Since: 2004

To preserve and enhance the survival prospects of all surviving endemic tree snail species of the family Partulidae, that are extinct in the wild, within their natural range in French Polynesia, and to re-establish the international breeding program for Partula species on their natural range islands. Six species were released in 2018 on Tahiti and Moorea islands, and there is evidence of survival.



Wildlife SOS

Location: Chhattisgarh, India, Project Since: 2015

Wildlife SOS aims to protect and preserve India’s wildlife, run rehabilitation and rescue centers for wildlife, conserve habitats, raise awareness, conduct research, study biodiversity and provide sustainable livelihoods for communities otherwise dependent on wildlife to earn a livelihood.



Silent Forest: Asian Songbird Crisis

Location: Bali, Indonesia, Project Since: 2015

To improve the situation of Asian songbirds in their natural habitat and to develop an increased knowledge and understanding of the threats to these birds and how zoos can contribute to save them. Regular supplementation of captive-bred Bali mynas is showing success, as there are recent signs that the critically endangered bird is increasing and expanding its population within Bali Barat National Park. There may be possibilities to involve tourists and tourist infrastructure in actively managing areas for the myna.



Red-breasted Goose International Working Group

AEWA (African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Agreement)

Location: Bulgaria, Supported Since: 2019

Improve knowledge of the specific threats, migration ecology, and current distribution of red-breasted geese and contribute to the overall improvement of their population conservation status. Field monitoring surveys were conducted in Black Sea coast areas important for the wintering of the species. Hunting season patrol visits were conducted to reduce and mitigate poaching and hunting rules violations.



Cranes of Asia: Muraviovka Park

Location: Tambovski District of the Amur Region, Russia, Project Since: 1999

Muraviovka Park demonstrates wetland and natural resource management that sustains rare wildlife while involving and benefitting local communities. The Park disseminates effective conservation methods through the Amur Region and beyond, linking local, regional, and international communities who share a vision for healthy co-existence of migratory waterbirds and people.

Our Mission

Woodland Park Zoo saves wildlife and inspires everyone to make conservation a priority in their lives.

Land Acknowledgment

Woodland Park Zoo recognizes that these are the lands of the Tribal signatories of the Treaty of Point Elliott. We acknowledge their stewardship of this place continues to this day and that it is our responsibility to join them to restore the relationship with the living world around us.

5500 Phinney Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98103   |  206.548.2500  |   zooinfo@zoo.org

Association of Zoos & Aquariums
Seattle Parks & Recreation
Humane Certification